How to find out which version of cef is being used in a particular version of web isolation and how to troubleshoot that up?
Release :
Component :
Troubleshoot cef compatibility issue.
SSH to a tie server and issue below command:
docker exec -it --privileged $(docker ps --filter name=fireglass_engine_2 --format '{{.ID}}') strings /usr/lib/cef/|grep -E "\+chromium-[0-9]+"
To test if the issue is a cef issue, download the cefclient as below:
click on show more builds and search for the version.
Download the file with name having client.tar.bz2
Extract it and run cefclient.
Try reproducing the issue here. If you are able to reproduce the issue, its a cef issue. Try repeating the same steps with higher version of cef client.