Migration from legacy Portal failing callback_url is not migrated
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Migration from legacy Portal failing callback_url is not migrated


Article ID: 239206


Updated On:


CA API Developer Portal


We are having issue with the  portal data migration. and the callback_url is not migrated from portal 3.5 cr19 to portal 5.02.x using the 3.5 migration tool.


Release : 5.0.2

Component :


We created a workaround to migrate the missing callback url from the 3.5 mysql database after the initial migration .

see the procedure below


From Classic Portal’s database server to generate and export applications UUIDs and Callback URLs into a SQL file:

mysql> CREATE TABLE temptable AS SELECT uuid, oAuthCallbackUrl FROM lrsapplication;

mysqldump lrs temptable > temp.sql;

mysql> DROP TABLE temptable;


Transfer the SQL file into the Target Portal's database server

Import into the table portal.APPLICATION_API_KEY

mysql -u admin -p portal < temp.sql

mysql> ALTER TABLE temptable CONVERT TO character set utf8mb4 collate utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci;

mysql> UPDATE APPLICATION_API_KEY t2, temptable t1 SET t2.OAUTH_CALLBACK_URL = t1.oAuthCallbackUrl WHERE t2.APPLICATION_UUID = t1.uuid;

mysql> DROP TABLE temptable;


Call following endpoint to trigger a bulk application deployment on a specific proxy:

POST ${tenantUrl}/api/${tenantId}/deployments/internal/proxies/${proxyUuid}/api-keys?forceDeploy=true