NFA 21.2.8 access denied for user
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NFA 21.2.8 access denied for user


Article ID: 239193


Updated On:


CA Network Flow Analysis (NetQos / NFA)


Starting in Network Flow Analysis 21.2.8, we no longer ship the MySQL with the anonymous use enabled.

When logging on to NFA now you will see:


NFA 21.2.8+


This was done for security reasons.


When accessing Network Flow Analysis you need to specify the user and password now.


For example you can use the 'netqos' user for situations where you don't need root access:

mysql -unetqos -p <databaseName>

(default password is 'netqos')


If you need root access, you can access the databases with the 'root' user:

mysql -uroot -p <databaseName>

(default password is 'root@123')


If you want to change the default password you could:

Please note that the password for a user should be the same in both the NFA Harvester and the NFA Console servers.

Additional Information

If you have any scripts running, ensure that they utilize the above resolutions up top.

Passwords for scripts could be included inline if you want like this:

mysql -unetqos -pnetqos  <databaseName>......