Checking the OI_connector logs and found it cannot load any NASS records.
[WARN ] [Thread-11] KafkaDAOConsumerThread - [EVENT FAILURE Anonymous:@unknown -> /NetOps OI Connector/ KafkaDAOConsumerThread] Encountered exception while processing CAPM Kafka payload - cannot load NASS records._
java.lang.NullPointerException: null
We still get all the metric data as far as we can tell.
We have PM version 21.2.8, OI-SaaS & OI_connector
Release : 21.3
Component :
The NPE is the result of an error handling a situation in the 2.1.6 connector. In the 2.1.7 connector the situation is reported as below
[WARN ] [Thread-10] KafkaDAOConsumerThread - [EVENT FAILURE Anonymous:@unknown -> /NetOps OI Connector/
The original NPE reported by the 2.1.6 connector is replaced by a more user friendly WARN message in 2.1.7.
Both are indicating that an interface item has not device in Netops portal.
If it persists for more than an hour for the same interface item then check in Netops portal why the interface has no device.