Cannot create a connector between IM and IP
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Cannot create a connector between IM and IP


Article ID: 238949


Updated On: 10-17-2023


CA Identity Manager CA Identity Portal CA Identity Suite


Both CA Identity Manager (IM) and CA Identity Portal (IP) were running Jboss 6.4 with IM 14.3.  The integration between IM and IP was working as expected.

When the IM system was upgraded to Jboss 7.2 and IP remained on Jboss 6.4 (IP is only supported on Jboss 6.4 - See Platform support guide below), the integration fails with an error.

Error: Code: 5, Literal: UNSECURED_CONNECTION_NOT_PREMITTED, Message: Web service request cannot be performed over non-SSL

14.3 IM PSM (Platform Support Matrix)

14.3 IP PSM


Release : 14.3 CP2

Component : IdentityMinder(Identity Manager)


This is NOT a CA Identity Manager (Symantec IGA) issue.  This problem is caused by the JBoss 7.2 transforming the https request to http after authenticating a user. It was due to a change in JBoss 7.2 code. 


To address this issue, edit the "standalone-full-ha.xml" file and in the line defining the ajp listener, set the scheme to https instead of http as below and restart JBoss.

<ajp-listener name="ajp" socket-binding="ajp" enabled="true" scheme="https"/>