Unable to access Protection Engine Java console even with supported Java version installed
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Unable to access Protection Engine Java console even with supported Java version installed


Article ID: 238927


Updated On:


Protection Engine for NAS


After installing Symantec Protection Engine (SPE) unable to access the Java console.

Supported Java version is installed.

SPE console access setting are configured as per How to enable and access the Protection Engine Java console


Release : 8.x

Component : Java Console


Java console access is disabled.


  • Go to SPE Install location

<Drive>:\Program Files\Symantec\Scan Engine\

  • Check for configuration.xml and open it
  • Search "EnableJavaUI value"
  • The value will be "false" by default if core only mode is selected while installation.
  • To change this, open the command line and go to <Drive>:\Program Files\Symantec\Scan Engine\
  • Execute the following command to change the value from "false" to "true" using xmlmodifier tool

.\xmlmodifier.exe -s /configuration/Resources/System/EnableJavaUI/@value true configuration.xml

  • Restart the SPE Service
  • SPE JavaUI should be accessible now.

Additional Information

Note: There is another issue found with the console not loading with "Certificate error" follows:

Below steps can be performed as a workaround for it:

  • Open Java from Control Panel and add the SPE console URL (https://localhost:8004) to Exception Site List.
  • Click on Advanced tab in the Java Control Panel and select: