Image deploy results in Error Number 25002 - Internal inconsistency has been detected
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Image deploy results in Error Number 25002 - Internal inconsistency has been detected


Article ID: 238782


Updated On:


Ghost Solution Suite


Image deploy results in Ghost Solution Suite Internal Error Number 25002 on the endpoint while the image is transferring

Error: Internal Error 25002 - Internal inconsistency has been detected.


Exact cause unknown. In one scenario we found this to happen with images prepared with Sysprep using Audit mode to install software (unsupported)

In another scenario the imaging capture system was not shut down properly before booting to automation and starting image capture.


Launch ghost with additional command line parameters before deploying the problematic image:

ghost64.exe -NTC- -NTIC -NTIL

-NTC-: Disables NTFS contiguous run allocation.
-NTIC: Ignore the NTFS volume CHKDSK bit.
-NTIL: Ignore non-empty NTFS Log File check (Inconsistent volume).


Additional Information

Please see KB: Alphabetical list of Ghost command line parameters to learn more about other Ghost parameters.