Does EEM get installed with a 2048 cert when installed with the AutoSys R12/12.0.1 iso?
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Does EEM get installed with a 2048 cert when installed with the AutoSys R12/12.0.1 iso?


Article ID: 238771


Updated On:


Autosys Workload Automation


When EEM 12.6.2 is installed using the AutoSys R12/12.0.1 iso, does the EEM certificate default to a 2048 keylength as required by AutoSys and WCC, or is that still a task that has to be performed manually prior to AutoSys/WCC install?


Release : 12.0/12.0.1

Component : Embedded Entitlements Manager

Component Release: 12.6.2


If EEM 12.6.2 is installed using the AutoSys R12/12.0.1 installer (install.bin/install.exe), the EEM cert will have a keylength of 2048 automatically. The AutoSys installer takes care of this during its post-install tasks after installing EEM. However, if EEM is installed by using the standalond EEM installer under <iso_mount>/AutoSys/modules/EEM/, the cert will still have a keylength of 1024 and must be converted manually prior to installing AutoSys and WCC.