License Installation for 2E
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License Installation for 2E


Article ID: 238756


Updated On: 04-05-2022




License Installation for 2E


  1. If you do not have COOL:2E or COOL:Xtras 400 Toolkit on this CPU, start at step 5.


  1. If you are applying a new authorization code for an existing product or changing AS/400 model or CPU, start at step 8.


  1. If you are upgrading existing products, or installing a new COOL:Xtras product, begin here:

 If library YLUSLIBSAV already exists, delete it.




  1. Make a backup copy of your current YLUSLIB.




  1. Verify that you restored the library YLUSLIB0 from your product tape.



  1. Execute command YCRTLUSLIB. This command will create the library YLUSLIB on your system if this is a first time installation. Alternatively, it will update the existing YLUSLIB library if you are upgrading to a new release of an existing product or adding an new  COOL:Xtras product.


  1. Verify that the library YLUSLIB exists on your AS/400.




  1. Use F4 to prompt the YGRTLICAUT command to key in the security code as listed on page one. Enter each set of 4-digit numbers into each field and press ENTER. This authorizes the product(s) on your machine.


  1. To verify that your authorization was successful, use the 'Display Product Licenses' command, YDSPLICPRD. The command displays a list of the products you are authorized to, the release level, expiration date, and the maximum number of concurrent interactive jobs you are allowed.


  1. Continue with the Post-Load Activities Instructions for the relevant product(s).