Error in isapi_redirect log on ITCM Domain Manager " Apache/Tomcat mod_jk error message 61". Patch Download Stuck in packaging status for long.
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Error in isapi_redirect log on ITCM Domain Manager " Apache/Tomcat mod_jk error message 61". Patch Download Stuck in packaging status for long.


Article ID: 238714


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CA Client Automation - IT Client Manager


Error in isapi_redirect log on ITCM Domain Manager " Apache/Tomcat mod_jk error message 61". Patch Download Stuck in packaging status for long. No Error found in PMEngine log. 

There are no TRC_CF_Webservices , TRC_CF_Webconsole logs found in DSM logs. 

What are the most likely causes for this kind of problem?


Release : 14.5

Component :


This can have multiple reasons

tomcat is not running
tomcat is running, but no connector for port <Tomcat Port used> is configured
tomcat is running, but a firewall between apache and tomcat does not allow traffic on port <tomcat port> 
tomcat is running, but not listening on this ip

Check if Tomcat services is running on domain manager. 

Check webservices tomat logs . 

In DSM logs folder , there are log files with name TRC_CF_Webservice * logs as shown in below picture . 

If above logs does not exist in DSM logs folder , Try to repair the domain manager with ITCM ISO . Repair should bring back the webservices and creates logs. Open a issue with support if still webservices logs are not generated.