How do I switch from using the old 'ad hoc' (SVTn ADD VVP=xyyy00-xzzz99) Vtape pool processing to using the newer VTPOOLS (parmlib member) processing?
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How do I switch from using the old 'ad hoc' (SVTn ADD VVP=xyyy00-xzzz99) Vtape pool processing to using the newer VTPOOLS (parmlib member) processing?


Article ID: 238620


Updated On:


Vtape Virtual Tape System


How can a user switch from using the original ('old') Vtape method of defining and managing Vtape volumes which are defined using the 'ad hoc' command 'SVTn ADD VVP=xyyy00-xzzz99' which defines a single pool (POOL1), to using the newer and much preferred method involving the definition of volume pools via the 'VTPOOLS' parmlib member?


The user should customize the Vtape *.CCUUPARM  'VTPOOLS' member to define the volume pools desired.  Up to 8 pools can be defined.  This member contains further instructions and details on how to customize it.  After this member is updated, the 'VTPARMS' member needs to point to this member via the 'VolumePoolDefinitions=' parameter  (i.e., 'VolumePoolDefinitions=VTPOOLS').  Once these 2 members are updated, the user should then shut down all Vtapes of the Vtape complex (i.e., all Vtapes which share the same Global VCAT).  Once the systems are down, they can be brought back up, at which point Vtape will switch over to using the newer 'VTPOOLS' method of managing the virtual volumes.  

Additional Information

VTPOOLS Parmlib Member:

PARMLIB Directory /  VolumePoolDefinitions: