No Chart horizontal axis labels on the Assignment view
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No Chart horizontal axis labels on the Assignment view


Article ID: 238568


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Clarity PPM SaaS


In the assignment view on project level the creation of charts does not work correctly. This means that if, for example, the Assignments = Total ETC or the Total Actuals per task or resource are marked, the values are correctly displayed in the chart, but the axes are not correctly labeled


1. Log into the Modern UX

2. Select a existing project or create a new one which tasks plus assignments 

3. Ensure the project has the Assignments view 

4. Click on the Assignments view and use the shift cursor keys to highlight several task columns that include the Total ETC and Actuals

5. Right click a row select Chart Range (beta) -> Column -> Grouped


Expected Results: That the chart horizontal axis labels display the task names

Actual Results: The chart horizontal axis labels are labeled 1, 2, etc 


This is working as designed

The Assignments Module columns for Task Name and Resource Name are lookups (number data type), not string fields.

The Staff Module column for Resource Name is a lookup (number data type), not a string field. 

The Chart (beta) Data Categories only use String data type fields. 

Therefore, if the customer wants some labels for Charts on these grids, they need to include a string field.  

For Example, if they use the Task Short Name it can be added into the Grid.

Another workaround / alternative is to create a 'calculated' string field that simply concatenates the Task Name by itself in the Assignment Object and place it on the grid