AutoSys R12 Installer Fails with CAUAJM_E_113020 when adding a component to an existing install
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AutoSys R12 Installer Fails with CAUAJM_E_113020 when adding a component to an existing install


Article ID: 238315


Updated On: 10-17-2023


Autosys Workload Automation


After launching the AutoSys installer, it fails with the following error...

CAUAJM_E_113020 - The dependent component(s) of the installed AutoSys components is missing: "{0}"



Release : 12.0

Component : CA Workload Automation AE (AutoSys)


Check <AUTOUSER>/globalVars and make sure the dependent component that is mentioned in the error has a line in that file. For example, if the error reads...

The dependent component(s) of the installed AutoSys components is missing: "Scheduler : Agent"

...this is saying that the installer is not recognizing that the Agent is installed, which is a dependent component for the Scheduler. Check the globalVars file and make sure it contains...