After attempting an upgrade from 21.2.2 to 21.2.9, the Performance Management Portal install failed with the following errors:
(in Performance_Center_Install log)
FATAL ERROR - class FatalInstallException: MySql is not running.
(in post_mysql_upgrade log)
Exception: Unable to open database connection: (jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mysql?
DX NetOps Performance Management Release : 21.2.x
The PostMysqlUpgrade step failed, as it could not connect to the MySql database
Make sure you can login to the MySql database as both root and netqos, with the same password
If you are not able to, mysql may be hung. kill pid for mysql and then start mysql again
Rerun postmysqlupgrade as follows, making sure all Performance Management Portal services are down except mysql:
/opt/CA/PerformanceCenter/Tools/bin/ postmysqlupgrade --production --dbhost localhost --dbport 3306 --dbuser 'root' --origDbPass 'MyPasswordHere' --dbpass 'MyPasswordHere' --log /opt/CA/PerformanceCenter/InstallLogs/post_mysql_upgrade.log.
Once successful rerun the upgrade using CAPerformanceCenter.bin