How to monitor SPE performance in a "Core" only install?
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How to monitor SPE performance in a "Core" only install?


Article ID: 237889


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Protection Engine for Cloud Services Protection Engine for NAS Protection for SharePoint Servers


What suggestions for monitoring SPE performance can you recommend in a "Core" only install?


Release : 8.2.2

Component : Default-Sym


Symantec Protection Engine (SPE) 8.x records details for resource consumption in Resources Consumption Logs (RCL's). These files have a filename extension of .rcl and are in the same folder as .log and .dat files. By default, this location on Linux is /opt/SYMCScan/logs and on Windows is "C:\Program Files\Symantec\Scan Engine\logs" 


The details tracked by .rcl files are documented here:


For SPE instances in the scanning pool of the VSCAN feature of one or more NetApp Filers, the ActiveThreads can be monitored.

In addition to the monitoring built into SPE itself, you can also monitor using the resource monitoring tools of each operating system. On Linux, these are tools such as sar, top, and vmstat. On Windows, perfmon is widely accepted as a way to record and review performance counters.  


Additional Information

The central console of SPE reached the end of Life milestone on 2023-DEC-31. To give customers time to export settings and migrate CWP for Storage instances to SPE for Cloud Services, BROADCOM is leaving CWP for Storage and the central console for SPE in place until  March of 2024. The online help for SPE 8.2.2 still includes information on how to use the central web console to monitor resource usage of SPE instances:,-Alerts,-and-Reports/importing-symantec-protection-engine-events-into-s-v128206670-d4995e35591.html