Adding MVL lookups to Team or Task in Related Object Grids, not able to use them in MUX Staff module/Staffing or MUX Tasks module/Tasks workspace as the values show differently on each page and are not synced. Single-value lookups work fine.
1. Connect to Clarity - Objects - Team
2. Go to Attributes and create two attributes lookups test1 and test2 - MVL pointing to an OOTB lookup such as Active and Locked Resources
3. Enable them for API by adding API alias, Save
4. Now add an attribute test3 - lookup that is single value, again provide OOTB lookup Active and Locked Resources as source
5. Enable it for API with an API alias
6. Now connect to MUX - open Staffing workplace
7. Add the three attributes test1, test2 and test3 to the columns
8. Note one of the rows which Resource and Project is there
9. Select values for attributes test1 and test3
10. Now open the Project that was there in step 8 for this resource
11. Navigate to Staff, add test1, test2 and test3 to the columns
12. Look for this resource
13. Note all but test 3 are blank
14. Now enter a value in test2, save
15. Go to Staffing workspace and refresh the page
Expected Results: The MVL values to be the same between the two pages
Actual Results: The single value lookup value will show, but not the MVL lookup values. The MVL values will be different between the two pages
Note: the same issue occurs on Tasks module vs Tasks workspace
Release : 16.0.1, 16.0.2
This is caused by DE64492
This is fixed in 16.0.3