Summary: Project TASKS Module Timeline View Not Loading. Task picklists don't work after the 'Tasks' table widget is added to STATUS Module.
Steps Reproduce:
- Configure the Project Blueprint to have the STATUS Module to be the first tab
- Add the 'Tasks' table widget to the Status Report layout
- Create a new project from the Project Grid
- After creation you should be taken to the STATUS Module
- Navigate to the new project's TASKS Module, Timeline View
Expected Results: The view should load and picklists should work as expected.
Actual Results: The user cannot create and save new picklists. Toast error message = Could not save the view.
The browser developer tools (Preview,Payload) and the app-ca.log file shows error messages.
- The browser developer tools (Preview,Payload) error shows:
- {"resourceId":null,"httpStatus":"500","errorMessage":"API-1019 : Could not process the request due to internal error.","errorCode":"api.internalError"}
- Request URL: http://server/ppm/rest/v1/private/picklistContexts/5041043/picklists?filter=((objectCode+%3D+null)+and+(attributeCode+%3D+%27prstatus%27)+and+(isPicklist+%3D+true)+and+(isActive+%3D+true))
Request Method: GET
Status Code: 500
- {resourceId: null, httpStatus: "400",…}
errorCode: "odf.picklistValidationFailure"
errorMessage: "Picklist validation error: Object code 'null' is not valid."
httpStatus: "400"
resourceId: null
- The app-ca.log shows the following error:
- ERROR 2022-03-21 07:18:37,051 [http-nio-8080-exec-1280] (clarity:user:session:PPM_REST_API) Invalid object