DB Stuck in initializing stage, cant start or stop db.
Node | Host | State | Version | DB
v_drdata_node0001 | xx.xxx.xxx.xxx| INITIALIZING | vertica- | drdata
v_drdata_node0002 | xx.xxx.xxx.xxx| INITIALIZING | vertica- | drdata
v_drdata_node0003 | xx.xxx.xxx.xxx | INITIALIZING | vertica- | drdata
DB | Host | State
When stop db, got an error:
Database drdata not stopped successfully for the following reason:
DB client operation "stop db" failed during `connect-plaintext`: ConnectionError: Severity: FATAL, Message: Node startup/recovery in progress. Not yet ready to accept connections, Sqlstate: 57V03, Routine: initSession, File: /data/qb_workspaces/jenkins2/ReleaseBuilds/Hammermill/REL-10_1_1-x_hammermill/build/vertica/Session/ClientSession.cpp, Line: 573, Error Code: 4149
Dx NetOps Performance Management any version
To resolve you can do the following
Then restart the database. The database should start at this point