PRJ-07532 error marking a project for deletion
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PRJ-07532 error marking a project for deletion


Article ID: 237173


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Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


I am trying to mark a project for deletion, but I get an error:

PRJ-07532: One or more of the projects selected cannot be deleted because there are submitted time sheets that contain entries for the selected project

What is the cause of the error?


"Allow Marked Investments with Timesheet and Transaction Data to be Deleted" setting is off


Go to Project Administration > Management > Settings

Ensure the "Allow Marked Investments with Timesheet and Transaction Data to be Deleted" checkbox is on.

If the above setting is off, you can not mark a project that has got timesheet entries on. Even if timesheets were adjusted, you get the same error.

It only affects projects with timesheet data. If transaction actuals are present, the checkbox can be unticked and you will be able to mark the project for deletion


Additional Information

Mark Investments for Deletion

If an Investment has timesheet actuals and the Administration, Project Management, Settings, Allow Marked Investments with Timesheet and Transaction Data to be Deleted checkbox is NOT selected, you will see a message indicating that the investment cannot be marked for deletion.