What is the baseDN and bindDN for the ACF2 LDAP server backend?
The goal is to authenticate a password remotely by using an ldapRegistery call.
Release : 15.1
Component : LDAP Server for z/OS
Replace all parameters highlighted in blue
BaseDN is: acf2lid=the_lid,acf2admingrp=lids,your_suffix
your_suffix example: host=BROADCOM.COM,o=ca,c=us
BindDN is: cn=the_lid
Example ldapRegistery request:
<ldapRegistry id="ACF2 LDAP" baseDN="acf2lid=the_lid,acf2admingrp=lids,your_suffix"
ldapType="Custom" port="portnumber"
connectTimeout="20s" host="host_ip">
bindDN="cn=the_lid" bindPassword="password"