Need detail on installed Products - Interface for Natural - EPS Conversion Code
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Need detail on installed Products - Interface for Natural - EPS Conversion Code


Article ID: 237086


Updated On: 03-16-2022




We have the following products installed and I'm looking for details.  There isn't much information in the manual.  What are the following products and how can I determine if they're in use for this account?

Spool Print Management Interface for Natural
Spool Solve: EPS conversion code
Spool Print Management Package


Release : 14.0

Component : Spool


Spool Print Management Interface for Natural

This option is required if you create files directly from programs written in the Natural from Software AG programming language. Usually clients that have the ADABAS database manager use this language. With this option, the Natural programmers can use Natural instructions to create files in the Spool spool directly. Also, the Spool menu can be accessed from the Natural panels.

Spool Solve: EPS conversion code

This option was for forms Solve:EPS clients. They were only required during the migration from Solve:EPS to Spool.

Spool Print Management Package

This is the Spool base license that includes all options except the Transformers.