Custom Ticketing program is not being invoked by AP when Create Ticket>SAVE is performed from Alert Manager
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Custom Ticketing program is not being invoked by AP when Create Ticket>SAVE is performed from Alert Manager


Article ID: 237066


Updated On:


Automation Point


Automation Point Rev=33415 Dec 15 2021

I coded and tested an enhancement to our existing Custom Ticketing program MANUALTICKET.rex. It work fine (no errors) when invoking manually from "Start a REXX program..." from the Merge Msgs window.  But when Create Ticket>SAVE is performed on the alert from the Alert Manager, nothing happens.  It seems that MANUALTICKET.rex is not being invoked.


Release : 11.7

Component : Automation Point


Alert Manager (AM) will invoke the Custom Ticketing script again if you leave the TicketId column empty upon the ticket creation failure. If TicketId contains a non-empty value, AM does not know how to interpret it and does not call the Custom Ticketing script. The documentation is being updated to explicitly describe this behavior. Currently, it is just alluded to by the example ticketing script (excerpt below).


The manual will now clarify by:

"Generally, the ticketing script should update the TicketID and TicketLink attributes of the alert at the end of a successful execution thus making the changes visible in the Alert Manager. For this purpose ADDRESS AMS ASSIGNTICKET command can be used. The following example would update the ticket of the alert with ID stored inside id variable with TicketID stored in TicketNum variable and TicketLink to inside ticketLink variable:

If execution of the ticketing script fails, clear the TicketID column. Alert Manager considers a non-empty value in the TicketID column a result of successful ticketing script execution and thus will not run the ticketing script if a request to create a ticket is sent for an alert with TicketID column set to a non-empty value. For an example of how to handle ticketing script failure see the ticketing script below.