SD jobs sent to Agent are never triggered and, while trying to manually start the SD Agent service on the target machine, it fails with error:
"Worker process executable not found or failed to start"
Client Automation - All supported versions
Logs show the following errors:
|ERROR | CCFOSUserToken::Init: DuplicateTokenEx: : (5) Access is denied.
|ERROR | CCFOSUserToken::InitFromCredentials: LogonUser: : (1385) Anmeldung fehlgeschlagen: Der Benutzer besitzt nicht den benötigten Anmeldetyp auf diesem Computer.
|INFO | CCFPlugin::startProcess: sdagent: Unable to logon user DOMAIN\User
|ERROR | CCFPlugin::startProcess: : worker executable failed to start (8) failed to create process : Der Vorgang wurde erfolgreich beendet.
|ERROR | CCFPlugin::Start: sdagent : worker executable failed to start (8) process did not start :
|DETAIL | CCFPlugin::Stop: entered
|INFO | CCFPlugin::Stop: sdagent: Plugin has already been stopped
Error is translated as "Login failed: The user does not have the required login type on this computer."
|ERROR | CFPlugin::start: --- IDS_PLUGINWORKERFAILEDTOSTART sdagent (sdagent) ---
|DETAIL | CFEventLogger::raiseEvent: entered
|INFO | CFEventLogger::raiseEvent: name: pluginstartfailed (6) arg1: sdagent arg2: Ausführbare Datei des Worker-Prozesses wurde nicht gefunden oder konnte nicht gestartet werden. arg3:
|ERROR | CFEventLogger::raiseEvent: Plugin sdagent konnte nicht gestartet werden. Grund: Ausführbare Datei des Worker-Prozesses wurde nicht gefunden oder konnte nicht gestartet werden.
Error is translated as "Worker process executable not found or failed to start".
This error is caused because the configured user on SD Agent service is not an administrator or has less rights than the required. In order to solve the issue, the following command can be executed on the Agent:
"caf setcreds sdagent"
This will reset the user that SD Agent service uses to LOCAL SYSTEM.