NOTE: Before beginning, verify that each machine where you plan to install Protection Engine for NAS 8.2.2 meets the System Requirements. In addition, BROADCOM always recommends installation in a test environment to identify performance issues before deployment to production systems..
NOTE: The 64-bit API library provides support for the use of the 64-bit version of the EMC Event Enabler with Protection Engine. Windows does not allow a 64-bit process, like the 64-bit version of EMC Event Enabler, to load a 32-bit dll. If a 64-bit version of EMC Event Enabler is used, please check with EMC support to confirm that it includes the 64-bit Symantec API library.
- For High Availability, install and license the latest build of Protection Engine 8.2.x for NAS on at least two computers which meet the system requirements.
- Assign virus checking rights.
- On each server that Protection Engine is installed on be sure to perform the following functions:
- From Symantec Endpoint Protection client or Symantec Endpoint Security agent, remove all components except Core Files and Threat Defense for Active Directory.
- Exclude the Protection Engine TEMP scanning directory from all local file system utilities such as antivirus, backups, etc.
- Install and configure the Celerra Anti-Virus Agent (CAVA) on the Protection Engine servers
- Test the Protection Engine and CAVA functionality by accessing files
- Perform any fine tuning of Protection Engine and CAVA as needed
To identify the current location of the temporary scanning directory of Protection Engine
- In the bash or cmd prompt, use the cd command to navigate to the install folder of Protection Engine. By default, this path is:
Windows: C:\Program Files\Symantec\Scan Engine
Linux: /opt/SYMCScan/bin
- To query the location, type:
Windows: xmlmodifier.exe -q //configuration/Resources/System/TempDir/@value configuration.xml
Linux: ./xmlmodifier -q //configuration/Resources/System/TempDir/@value configuration.xml
To perform initial configuration of Symantec Protection Engine 8.2.2 for NAS
- At the command line, navigate to the installation location of Protection Engine.
- To set protocol, type:
Windows: xmlmodifier.exe -s //configuration/ProtocolSettings/Protocol/@value "ICAP" configuration.xml
Linux: ./xmlmodifier -s //configuration/ProtocolSettings/Protocol/@value "ICAP" configuration.xml
- To set ICAP port, type:
Windows: xmlmodifier.exe -s //configuration/ProtocolSettings/ICAP/Port/@value 1344 configuration.xml
Linux: ./xmlmodifier -s //configuration/ProtocolSettings/ICAP/Port/@value 1344 configuration.xml
- Click Policies > Filtering > Container Handling
- In the 'Time to Extract file meets or exceeds' field, type: 30
- To set 'Maximum extract depth', type:
Windows: xmlmodifier.exe -s //filtering/Container/MaxExtractDepth/@value 5 filtering.xml
Linux: ./xmlmodifier -s //filtering/Container/MaxExtractDepth/@value 5 filtering.xml
- Click Allow access to the file and generate a log entry
- Uncheck 'Deny partial containers'
- Uncheck 'Block malformed containers'
- Uncheck 'Delete encrypted containers'
- Click Policies> Files
- Uncheck 'Block files with the following names (one per line):'
- Uncheck 'Block files with the following sizes (one per line):'
- At the command line, type the following command:
Windows: xmlmodifier.exe -s //policies/ThreatPolicies/Actions/HonorReadOnly/@value false policy.xml
Linux: ./xmlmodifier -s //policies/ThreatPolicies/Actions/HonorReadOnly/@value false policy.xml
- Restart the Symantec Scan/Protection Engine service to make the changes effective.