DeployAnywhere Driver Addition
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DeployAnywhere Driver Addition


Article ID: 236961


Updated On:


Ghost Solution Suite


How to mass import drivers into the DriversDB


Release : 3.3

Component : Driver Manager


Need a method to import Drivers into DriversDB from the command line.


The base command is: DriversManger.exe /DDB=<path to  DriversDB folder> /ADD=<path to driver pack>

Below is an example of locating, and importing the driver set

1) Locate the driver pack from the OEM manufacture and decompress the drivers to a directory. For example: D10Virto

2) From the command cd to: c:\Program Files (x86)\Altiris\eXpress\Deployment Server\Ghost

3) Enter the command: Drivermanager.exe /DDB="c:\program files (x86)\Altiris\express\Deployment server\DriversDB" /ADD="c:\D10Virto"

     Note: The above command assumes the DriversDB is at default path. If your install is different, change the path that matches to your environment.

4) As a result the command will create a driver folder in the DriversDB folder and adds the driver files and a drivermanifest.xml file. This will also update the drivermanifest.xml file in the root of DriversDB folder.