Librarian usermod MLJ4406 and fix LU02680
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Librarian usermod MLJ4406 and fix LU02680


Article ID: 236923


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CA-Librarian distributes optional usermod MLJ4406 in members LJMODSEC and MLJ4406 of the CALJJCL library. The purpose of the usermod is to disable basic and member security feature in CA-Librarian.

Sites having this usermod installed will experience SMP/E issues when trying to apply fix LU02680

  • SMP/E APPLY of fix LU02680 will raise a MODID error since LU02680 does not PRE nor SUP usermod MLJ4406. This is expected SMP/E behavior.
  • Sites need to SMP/E RESTORE usermod MLJ4406 and then SMP/E APPLY fix LU02680. This is the correct way to proceed as per SMP/E rules.
  • After that, MLJ4406 cannot be applied as it raises MODID error since it does not PRE or SUP LU02680. This is also expected SMP/E behavior

What to do next?



Release : 4.4

Component : Librarian


Download and apply fix LU05119 which delivers a new version of MLJ4406 usermod which can be applied on top of LU02680.

This fix replaces two members in the CALJJCL library:

  • LJMODSEC - This is the sample JCL to RECEIVE and APPLY usermod MLJ4406 into SMP/E
  • MLJ4406 - This member contains the usermod that is installed into SMP/E

About SMP/E ACCEPT, remember that:

  • LU05119 is a regular fix and therefore may be accepted exactly as any other regular fix
  • Usermod MLJ4406 (as well as any usermod) must not be accepted. Doing so would prevent subsequent SMP/E RESTORE in the future.