Unable to login to AM client with "java.sql.SQLException: Closed Connection"
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Unable to login to AM client with "java.sql.SQLException: Closed Connection"


Article ID: 236918


Updated On:


CA Automic Applications Manager (AM)


Since upgrading to AM9.4.0 I have noticed that general error messages are not formatted in the way they appear in the previous version of the product we were using. 
for example, when logging in to the client, entering an incorrect password would result in a dialogue box displaying 3 error lines as below
Database Query Error
ORA-20003: Invalid login "<username>"/password
looking at the error details, i see something like this

java.sql.SQLException: ORA-20003: Invalid login "Userxx"/password

ORA-06512: at "AMDEV.AW_WEB_API", line 3162

ORA-06512: at line 1

With the new version, we see different behavior - an incorrect password results in the login screen hanging for a short while before a non-descriptive error dialog is returned showing just the AWE-5001 and Database Query Error messages. 
reviewing the error 'detail' shows the following type of message

java.sql.SQLException: Closed Connection


0 tranmode: IN:VARCHAR2:java.lang.String:AF

1 api_username: IN:VARCHAR2:java.lang.String:Userxx

2 api_password: IN:VARCHAR2:java.lang.String:*****

3 newPassword: IN:VARCHAR2:java.lang.String:*****

Similar behavior is seen when other errors are forced e.g. deleting an object that has existing references etc.


Release : 9.4

Component : Applications Manager


- Check for database drivers in \web\classes

- In this case connection was successful after removing ojdbc7.jar file

- Client successfully connected