How do you get ‘Worst 5 by Health’ & ‘Worst 5 by Risk’? Can you provide the details to get this information?
DX Dashboards 2.x
Use the below API which gives the both health, risk, and other service KPI depend upon the projectionFilter.
Attribute Name |
Description |
time |
An optional attribute with current Epoch time |
filters |
It can use if the specific filter like on service like name, risk and health etc, empty filter means for all. Example: "filters": [ { "fieldDescription": "Name", "field": "name", "value": " ExampleTest", "condition": "equals", "isCustom": false } ] |
sortField |
Service attribute name for sort |
sortOrder |
asc/desc |
groupServices |
False/true, if true, it will return only parent services |
pageNum |
Page number to get the result |
pageSize |
Size of service on per page |
projectionFilter |
ProjectionFIlter to control the response of the service. Below are the attribute we can pass. · "rollupFilteredAlarmCount", · "situationCount", · "availability", · "filteredParent", · "availability_lastday", · "immediateFilteredChildren", · "immediateFilterChildrenCount", · "health", · "extId", · "location", · "maintenance", · "name", · "risk", · "status", · "tags", · "isAvailabilityConfigured" |
showAlarms |
It will show the alarm count on the service |
Request :curl --request POST \
--url <oi-adminui endpoint>/oi/v2/servicerepo/services \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <authorization token>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"time": 1639647628189,
"filters": [],
"sortField": "health",
"sortOrder": "asc", // asc/desc
"groupServices": false,
"pageNum": 1,
"pageSize": 25,
"projectionFilter": [
], "showAlarms": false
"services": [
"name": "UIM",
"risk": 0.0,
"health": 100.0,
"nameLowerCase": "uim"
"name": "Third Level Top 1",
"risk": 0.0,
"health": 100.0,
"nameLowerCase": "third level top 1"
"name": "Banking Servic",
"risk": 0.0,
"health": 100.0,
"nameLowerCase": "banking servic"
"name": "P1",
"risk": 0.0,
"health": 100.0,
"nameLowerCase": "p1"
"name": "EMEA_Retail",
"risk": 0.0,
"health": 100.0,
"nameLowerCase": "emea_retail"
"groupedCnt": 0,
"filteredCnt": 9,
"totalCnt": 9,
"isAvailabilityConfigured": false
The exact API parameters for top 5 risk and top 5 health, are seen in the admin UI as below. You can add filters as per requirements.
"time" is the epoch millis for the current time for query.
Endpoint: POST <adminUI>/oi/v2/servicerepo/group
Header: Authorization: Bearer <user token fromUI>
Input payload (for "risk"):
for Risk |
for Health |
{ |
{ |
Response having "health". Similarly you'll get "risk" for the "risk" payload.
{ |