Delayed Server Response when opening Service Desk tickets
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Delayed Server Response when opening Service Desk tickets


Article ID: 236889


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CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager


We have identified 2 Service Desk tickets that we are unable to view. Any attempts to open them results to Delayed Server Response.


Release : 17.x

Component : CA Service Desk Manager


We found a corresponding ERROR message in the stdlog for "parse.c": "Unable to get domset for property_list in PDM_LIST at xx_prop_tab.htmpl[44]:AHD03066:Unknown name"

Ran SQL queries to gather more details on one of the tickets having this problem.  Determined that it was the category that was causing the problem.

Got the category's persid with this query:

SELECT id, persid, ref_num, summary, category, description FROM Call_Req WHERE ref_num IN '<ticket number>';

Created an extract file using pdm_extract:

pdm_extract -f "SELECT * FROM Call_Req WHERE ref_num = '<ticket number>'" > cr_bkp.txt

Copied cr_bkp.txt -> cr_update.txt, Edited cr_update.txt, Searched for and removed the data from the category field (left the double quotes), Saved and closed the file

Updated the record in the database using pdm_load

pdm_load -f cr_update.txt -u -V 

Once the command completed successfully, went back to Service Desk and could now open the ticket.  We added the category again and now the problem is resolved.

Additional Information


- Please make sure to back up the given database and tables before making the changes
- Please test in a non-prod instance to familiarise yourself with the process