After deleting a View repository link on Web Viewer v14.0, Web Viewer task running through Tomcat does not release View database v14.0. Maintenance on View database is not possible. To get around, Web Viewer task has to be either cycled or stopped/restarted. Please advise also where exactly the maintenance logs are kept. For example, if a View repository link is added or deleted, there should be an event getting logged somewhere. Thank you.
Release : 14.0
Component : Output Management Web Viewer
Adding or deleting a repository in Web Viewer r14 only adds or removes the repository entry in the Web Viewer database. Web Viewer issues informational message CAHVS0112I when a repository is added or deleted by an admin.
Note that if you suppress INFO level messages by changing your log level to ERROR then CAHVS0112I will also be suppressed.
Web Viewer allocation of the View database (path.SARDBASE.Innnnnnn, path.SARDBASE.Dnnnnnnn) is done the first time any user tries to access the repository and remains for the duration of the Web Viewer task. There is no facility in Web Viewer to un-allocate the View database, you have to recycle the Web Viewer task.
Product Management has added the following feature request to the backlog:
- Provide a Web Viewer facility to un-allocate a repository so the application server does not need to be recycled.