Easytrieve Report generation error with new maintenance CARS2108
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Easytrieve Report generation error with new maintenance CARS2108


Article ID: 236860


Updated On:


Easytrieve Report Generator


Reports generated have the word PAGE to the far right, leaving room for only one digit page number. The impact is that if the report has more than 9 pages, after PAGE 9, the next page displays PAGE 0 as it does not have room to display ‘10’. 

This changed with the new maintenance we have applied. We have a system running the previous version and do not get the error there.



Release : 11.6



This issue is caused by a wrong value being picked for a newly introduced option PGNMDGTS from an older options file.

Specifies the number of digits in the PAGE number.

Default: 5 (on z/OS)
5 digits use the mask ZZ,ZZ9
Default: 7 (on Unix, Linux, and Windows)
7 digits use the mask Z,ZZZ,ZZ9

This is a compile-time option.

The customer has an older options file from which PGNMDGTS picks a value 0 because this option was non-existent in the past and the respective field was initialized to a 0 in the old options file. This causes the truncation of the page numbers above a single digit.

As an immediate solution for the customer, Creating a new options file will solve this problem as PGNMDGTS would be defaulted to 5.
Later, we will publish a PTF to resolve this issue being caused for old options files.
You could also run JOB06OP2, which has the following DD statement: for example
//OPTBLD.SYSIN   DD  *                                              
PGNMDGTS 5                                 

Additional Information

A user must have have on PTF's  LU02001 and LU02002, which are a part of the CARS2108  maintenance level,