In some parts of the CA SDM UI, the Copyright label is not correctly displayed
Service Desk Manager 17.x
All Supported Operating Systems and Web Browsers
1. Check the NX_ROOT\NX.ENV file with a text editor and verify the following settings
@NX_INSTALL_OPTION=CA Service Desk Manager
3. Check the NX_ROOT\bopcfg\www\wwwroot\html\copyright.html file with a text editor and check the following line
<div class="breadcrumb_current">
Copyright © 2024 Broadcom. All rights reserved. The term "Broadcom" refers to Broadcom Inc. and/or its subsidiaries.</div>
4. If changes are made to any of the above two files, recycle the CA SDM service
5. Run the "pdm_webcache -b" command on each SDM server
6. Clear the web browser cache and log into SDM web interface and make sure that the correct information now appears
As always, we recommend testing all changes in a non-PROD environment first.