Enable the AAI Subscription API
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Enable the AAI Subscription API


Article ID: 236756


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Automation Analytics & Intelligence


How do I enable the AAI Subscription API?


AAI All Versions


  1. Subscribe to subscriptions you wish to receive via the Swagger JAWS Subscriptions page.
    http://<aai hostname>:8080/subscriptionService/swagger-ui.html#/

    For example: If you want to subscribe to AAI Alerts, you can use POST /subscription/alerts and you would use your API End Point that would be receiving the subscription alerts.
  2. Enable subscription.* parameters in the Configuration tool for the subscriptions you wish to receive.
    For example: For Alerts enable the subscriptions.publishAlerts parameter.
  3. Set the SubscriptionService logger to DEBUG.
  4. You can verify the subscriptions are being sent by reviewing the subscriptions.log in the /<Install Dir>/jboss/standalone/log directory.

Additional Information

See our online documentation: REST API Specification for Subscription Services for more information about the subscription API.

Note: If you don't find com.termalabs.subscriptions.SubscriptionService in all loggers then do the following steps:

  1. Select "Add by name".
  2. Copy / paste the following into the box: com.termalabs.subscriptions.SubscriptionService.
  3. Then you can set the level as debug.