How to recreate DWH database from backup
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How to recreate DWH database from backup


Article ID: 236671


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise


How to recreate DWH database from backup


Release : Any


1. Use a blank DWH schema from $clarity\database\backups on the Clarity server and ask DBA to restore it (In case of upgrades, make sure it's the version that matches the version)

2. DBA may replace the existing DWH schema or create a new schema it doesn't matter

3. Once complete, enter the details of the schema in CSA in Data Warehouse tab and Save. If you didn't do changes to schema/credentials, still click Save on Data Warehouse page (This recreates the DB LINK).

4. Restart services, and run Load Data Warehouse - Full and Load Data Warehouse - Access jobs