csk failure applying cop_programScheduleDashboard.xml
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csk failure applying cop_programScheduleDashboard.xml


Article ID: 236488


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise


After upgrading Clarity to 16.0.1, when installing the csk it fails with the following error:

ERROR 2022-03-09 12:03:12,692 [main] persistence.PersistenceController Exception due to DB Connection failure
Error Applying XOG: Failure occurred while applying queries/cop_programScheduleDashboard.xml
Check /opt/cappm/logs/content/xog/csk/queries/cop_programScheduleDashboard_out.xml for errors
mar. 09, 2022 12:03:12 P. M. org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.interceptor.ConnectionState reset
GRAVE: Unable to reset autocommit state to connection.
java.sql.SQLException: [CA Clarity][Oracle JDBC Driver]Object has been closed.

When locating the query in Clarity and previewing it, the same error pops out. The attributes list of the query throws a system error.


The error is caused by the DISTINCT SQL statement


1. Locate the cop.programScheduleDashboard on the installation directory
2. Remove the DISTINCT statement
3. Install csk by running: 

admin content csk

Note: If the DISTINCT statement is to be used, terminate the query with GROUP BY statement