TSS7190E Job=CICSBS1 ACID=CRLC01 - Violation Threshold Exceeded For CICS User
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TSS7190E Job=CICSBS1 ACID=CRLC01 - Violation Threshold Exceeded For CICS User


Article ID: 236410


Updated On:


Top Secret


A user signed on to CICS successfully, but, after exceeding the violation threshold set, the user received:

TSS7190E Job=jobname ACID=acid - Violation Threshold Exceeded

The user is not able to issue any more transactions after this. Is there a way to fix this without having to recycle the CICS region?


Release : 16.0

Component : Top Secret for z/OS


If you have the TSEU transaction installed in the CICS region, you can issue:


to determine what terminal id the user is signed on to. Then issue:


where xxxx is the 4 character terminal id. This will log the user off that terminal. As long as the user is not suspended, the user should be able to sign back on. If the user is suspended, the SUSPEND will have to be removed. (TSS REMOVE(acid) SUSPEND )