Resource Detail update issue on Financials
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Resource Detail update issue on Financials


Article ID: 236409


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise


When a resource's financial data is xogged in the related table (pac_mnt_resources) is not getting updated.

The xog is updating the user name as requested but it appears that the values in the UI are still there, but the record needs to be saved in the UI for the financial information to get saved into the table.


This happens  when there is already an entry in the table for the resource and then an update is done to try to xog in different resource_id and financials.

It can happen when the OBS information it taken out of the XOG file. 

XOG will update the user_name but not the resource_code. resource_id,  as those cannot be changed once the resource is financially enabled.

In this situation the resource_code is trying to be updated and instead, it is adding a new record to the table.

There is a  message in the xog output.

In my example I was updating the user ID from example to example1

It did not update the srm_resources.unique_name and the xog output shows this 

        <Description>User ID 'example' has been changed to 'example1'
Resource lwad is financial enabled. Resource ID is not updated. 

Which is expected as user_name can be anything and changed at any time.

ResourceID on admin/resources as well as home/resources cannot be changed once there is already a record in pac_mnt_resources.

So this is working as designed.  User Name can be changed but the IDs cannot.  The record is still in the tables based on the resource's internal ID.



This is working as designed as the resource ID and resource code cannot be updated once the resource is financially enabled.  XOG will create a new record.