IM Server log contains logs of messages such as the below:
2021-12-20 11:11:00,286 ERROR [com.netegrity.crypto.RC2128CBCPKCS5PaddingHandler] (default task-13) org.bouncycastle.crypto.InvalidCipherTextException: Error finalising cipher data: pad block corrupted
All Identity Manager
This encryption message is a storm of messages.
You can temporarily bypass this encryption error message as a workaround and allow to show only FATAL level messages using the configuration below.
After solving the encryption problem, disable the setting below so if you have any errors you can be notified in the logs.
Assuming the application server is Wildfly or JBoss then take one of the following approached depending on the version of IM.
For IM 14.4 and later edit your /standalone/deployments/iam_im.ear/config/com/netegrity/config/log4j_jboss.xml file and add the below additional logger and restart Wildfly/JBoss to suppress the ERROR level messages:
<logger additivity="false" level="FATAL" name="com.netegrity.crypto">
<AppenderRef ref="rollingLogger"/>
For IM version prior to 14.4 then you would have instead modified the file to add the line "" and then restarted the Wildfly/JBoss