Slow response from Gateway for the endpoints /auth/oauth/v2/token sometime takes more than 10 seconds to get a token. This causes the applications to timeout.
OTK issue with intermittent slowness when clients request OTK Token
Post client_id. client_secret, grant_type, and scope to gateway
Release : 10.0
Component :
Configuration of JDBC connections to Oracle with thin driver as LDAP not optimized
The data shows connections going into time_wait., they are not being reused.
Need to modify JDBC additional properties as recommended in our on-line docs
Create the following properties one at a time by providing the Property Name, Property Value, and clicking the C3P0 Pooling checkbox:
Also add entry: hibernate.dbcp.validationQuery SELECT 1 FROM DUAL
ALSO based on the load change MIN connection to 40 connections, leave MAX at 100
Review the setup - Configuration of JDBC connections to Oracle with thin driver as LDAP
Installed Oracle driver following our documentation then configured JDBC
JDBC properties
Customer setup the additional properties contained EnabledCancelTimeout=true
Troubleshoot review netstats to Oracle
IMPORTANT: The JDBC properties using port 3060, this is mapped to OracleDB port 1526. If you need to find the port by capture packets during the test connections - in the responses from Oracle is the tnsname info with port 1526:
...........objectClass0...orclnetdescstring..0...2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.20.....d...Dcn=ORK_DB,cn=OracleContext,dc=domain,dc=com0..0....orclnetdescstring1.....(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(Host=Oracle DB Hostname)(Port=1526))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=OracleDB_hostname)))0....e.
#netstat -an | grep 1526
tcp 0 0 GW_IP:23462 OracleDB_IP:1526 TIME_WAIT -
tcp 0 0 GW_IP:23464 OracleDB_IP:1526 TIME_WAIT -
tcp 0 0 GW_IP:23742 OracleDB_IP:1526 ESTABLISHED 12642/java
tcp 0 0 GW_IP:23480 OracleDB_IP:1526 TIME_WAIT -
tcp 0 0 GW_IP:23726 OracleDB_IP:1526 ESTABLISHED 12642/java
tcp 0 0 GW_IP:23364 OracleDB_IP:1526 TIME_WAIT -
The data shows connections going into time_wait., they are not being reused.