What are the list of the ApplyPTF return codes ?
Return Codes
Windows Windows UNIX / UNIX /
Master Install LINUX LINUX
Image Master Install
NoN-Zero Return Code
ApplyPTF process problems
*ApplyPTF fails to apply a fix because there's a minus sign (-) in the path. - - - -
*ApplyPTF hangs. - - - -
*ApplyPTF process is killed or crashes during an apply. 0 0 - -
*Dr. Watson received while applying a fix. - - - -
ApplyPTF general apply problems
*ApplyPTF isn't creating a Replaced folder containing the file(s) that's
being replaced. - - - -
*ApplyPTF returns "Cannot create a file when that file already exists". - - - -
*When applying a file that is in use and ApplyPTF calls for a reboot. NA 10 NA NA
*Debugging is shown in the ApplyPTF log when it shouldn't be shown. - - - -
*Several ApplyPTF windows are opened when applying a fix. - - - -
*ApplyPTF applies a maximum length file name. 128 44 - 255
*ApplyPTF applies a maximum length JCL name. 128 128 - 4
*ApplyPTF applies a fix that has already been applied with the same
testfix/pubfix number. 112 112 112 112
*Unusual characters (in another language) in the ApplyPTF GUI (window). - - - NA
Classifying fix problems
*ApplyPTF applies a fix for a component that's not installed. 0 0 - 0
*ApplyPTF applies a fix for a product that's not installed. NA - NA 4
*ApplyPTF applies a fix that has an unknown component. - - - -
*ApplyPTF applies a fix that has an unknown product. 116 116 116 116
*ApplyPTF applies a fix with a genlevel that is a mismatch. 56 56 - 56
*ApplyPTF applies a fix with a release that is a mismatch. 56 56 - 56
*ApplyPTF is looking for the UNIVER.TXT and CCSVER.TXT is in the
wrong location. - - - NA
*ApplyPTF could not open CCSVER.TXT. 56 56 - NA
*ApplyPTF could not open UNIVER.TXT. 56 56 - -
CAZIP Utilities
*cazip has been removed before applying a fix. 124 124 - NA
*cazipxp has been removed before applying a CAZ fix. 124 124 - NA
Missing ApplyPTF files
*The applyptf.cfg has been removed then run ApplyPTF. NA NA - -
*The applyptf.ini has been removed then run ApplyPTF 132 132 - NA
*The applyptf.ini has been removed then try to run ApplyPTF. 132 132 - NA
Fixes with Coreqs and Prereqs
*ApplyPTF applies a fix that the COREQ has not been applied. NA - NA -
*ApplyPTF applies a fix that the MCOREQ has not been applied. - NA - -
*ApplyPTF applies a fix that the MPREREQ has not been applied. 36 NA - -
*ApplyPTF applies a fix that the PREREQ has not been applied. NA 36 NA 34
History file problems
*ApplyPTF error opening the .his file. - - - -
*The history file doesn't get updated when a fix another fix. - - - -
*The history file doesn't get updated when a fix supersedes another fix. - - - -
*The history file is getting updated with a test fix that is not getting
applied because it's applying an older binary. - - - -
*The .his file doesn't exist where ApplyPTF is applying the fix. - - - -
*The .his file doesn't get updated with the time stamp of the binary that
the fix is replacing. - - - -
Fixes with JCL paramiters / JCL problems
*"Apply a fix that has a file listed in the JCL, but the file is not packaged
in the fix." 44 0 - 255
*Apply a fix that has a new file and doesn't use the NEWFILE option. 104 104 104 104
*Applying fixes to a TNG 2.4.2 JPN Master image where ApplyPTF doesn't
recognize that a prereq/Mprereq is already applied. - - - NA
*The JCL path is incorrect and the NEWFILE option is not used. 104 104 104 104
*The JCL specified could not be found by ApplyPTF. - - - -
*The JCL specified could not be found. 24 24 24 24
*ApplyPTF applies an older fix file than what is currently applied without
using the INSTALL_ANYWAY option. 0 0 0 0
Syscmd fixes
*The PRE-syscmd and syscmd process never starts a real App. 60 60 - NA
*The PRE-syscmd process never starts a real App. 60 60 - NA
*The syscmd process never starts a real App. 60 60 - NA
Batch apply fixes
*ApplyPTF will use wrong commands in the batch apply
(false directory for output file). 3 3 - -
*ApplyPTF will use wrong commands in the batch apply
(false directory for DEBUGFILE file). 3 3 - -
*ApplyPTF will use wrong commands in the batch apply
(wrong master image location). 16 NA - NA
*ApplyPTF will use wrong commands in the batch apply
(wrong master image location and /PTF typo). 32 NA - NA
*ApplyPTF will use wrong commands in the batch apply
(wrong node name). NA 36 - -
*ApplyPTF will use wrong commands in the batch apply
(wrong node name and /PTF typo). NA 16 - -
*ApplyPTF will use wrong commands in the batch apply
/MASTER typo. 16 NA NA NA
*ApplyPTF will use wrong commands in the batch apply
/NODE typo. NA 16 NA NA
*ApplyPTF will use wrong commands in the batch apply
/PTF typo. 16 16 NA NA
Backing out Fixes
*Back out a fix that doesn't exist or was never applied. - - - -
*"Back out a fix that had its files inserted in to a CAZ file,
but the CAZ file is missing." - - - NA
*Back out a fix that has its files in the replaced folder
removed/missing. - - - -
*Back out a fix that was originally applied as the NEWFILE. - - - -
Zero Return Code
Normal Fixes
*Apply a normal fix - - - -
*"Apply a normal fix, but needs a reboot" - 10 - -
Fixes with Coreqs and Prereqs
*ApplyPTF applies a fix that the COREQ has been applied. NA - NA -
*ApplyPTF applies a fix that the MCOREQ has been applied. - NA - NA
*ApplyPTF applies a fix that the MPREREQ has been applied. - NA - NA
*ApplyPTF applies a fix that the PREREQ has been applied. NA - NA -
Fixes with JCL paramiters
*Apply a fix that has a new file and uses the NEWFILE option. - - - -
*ApplyPTF applies an older fix file than what is currently
applied using the INSTALL_ANYWAY option. - - - -
Syscmd fixes
*The PRE-syscmd and syscmd process starts a real App. - - - NA
*The PRE-syscmd process starts a real App. - - - NA
*The syscmd process starts a real App. - - - NA
Backing out Fixes
*Back out a fix that was originally applied as the NEWFILE. - - - -
*Back out a fix. - - - -
NA = Not Applicable
And in a header file following information could be found :
//return code for silent execution
#define APPLYPTF_OK 0
#define BACKUP_FAILED 40
#define APPLY_FAILED 44
#define LIST_FAILED 48
#define SYNTAX_ERROR 52
#define COREQ_MISSING 64
#define SUPERSCEDED 72
#define ABORT_ON_COREQ 76
#define STILL_PREREQ 80
#define PTF_NOT_FOUND 84
#define REMOVE_FAILED 92