BSI Business Logic Scope runs fail while viewing the data, after migrating the underlying database to a new server.
Unexpected COM error: [External error, Caught COM ERROR in operation QUERY ( select dbms_crypto.hash( nvl (timeslot_map_type || timeslot_week_map || timeslot_year_day_map || timeslot_year_hour_map , '0') , 1) timeslot_hash , timeslot_map_type , timeslot_week_map , timeslot_year_day_map , timeslot_year_hour_map from T_Compound_Timeslot_Elements ctse, t_timeslots ts, t_rules r where r.rule_id = 1015 and r.Compound_Ts_Id = ctse.Compound_Ts_Id and Ctse.Timeslot_Id = ts.Timeslot_Id) [ORA-00904: "DBMS_CRYPTO"."HASH": invalid identifier (HR: 0x80004005) (Unspecified error) (Source = OraOLEDB)][(Error #80004005) (Source = OraOLEDB) (Description = ORA-00904: "DBMS_CRYPTO"."HASH": invalid identifier) (NativeError: 388)][(Error #80040e14) (Source = OraOLEDB) (Description = ORA-00904: "DBMS_CRYPTO"."HASH": invalid identifier) (NativeError: 388)]
Caught COM ERROR in operation QUERY ( select dbms_crypto.hash( nvl (timeslot_map_type || timeslot_week_map || timeslot_year_day_map || timeslot_year_hour_map , '0') , 1) timeslot_hash , timeslot_map_type , timeslot_week_map , timeslot_year_day_map , timeslot_year_hour_map from T_Compound_Timeslot_Elements ctse, t_timeslots ts, t_rules r where r.rule_id = 1015 and r.Compound_Ts_Id = ctse.Compound_Ts_Id and Ctse.Timeslot_Id = ts.Timeslot_Id) [ORA-00904: "DBMS_CRYPTO"."HASH": invalid identifier (HR: 0x80004005) (Unspecified error) (Source = OraOLEDB)][(Error #80004005) (Source = OraOLEDB) (Description = ORA-00904: "DBMS_CRYPTO"."HASH": invalid identifier) (NativeError: 388)][(Error #80040e14) (Source = OraOLEDB) (Description = ORA-00904: "DBMS_CRYPTO"."HASH": invalid identifier) (NativeError: 388)][LoadForRule] (HR: 0x80004005) (Unspecified error) (Source = TimeSlotUtilsBO.TimeSlotUtils.1)]
Release : 8.35
Component : BSI - Ace engine
The BSI error states that the underlying problem is again with the copied database:
ORA-00904: "DBMS_CRYPTO"."HASH": invalid identifier
The DBMS_CRYPTO package belongs to SYS, but should have been granted to the users that BSI uses. You can see the grants needed in %OG_HOME%\Setup\InstallDB\Build_TBS_Users\Users.sql
1) It creates the role 'role_usr_reg_privs' and puts all the BSI users in it, so please check this survived the migration.
2) It grants execute to this group, oblicore and oblidbadmin.
So recreate that group if necessary, then run
grant execute on dbms_crypto to role_usr_reg_privs , oblicore , oblidbadmin
assuming that your main oblicore user is indeed called oblicore. You can open %OG_HOME%\Utilities\PassUpdate\Passupdate.exe to see which users it's actually using to connect to the database.