Fujitsu has announced withdrawal from Mainframe.
Customer may think of moving products from Fujitsu to IBM.
Are there any considerations on moving from JCLCheck for MSP to JCLCheck for z/OS.
Release : All
Component : JCLCheck Workload Automation MSP and z/OS
JCLCheck for MSP supported release is r7.1.
Since r7.1 is not supported in IBM environment, r12.0 must be installed in z/OS.
If there are customized members, modify a member in r12.0 as it is needed.
The main customization members are as follows ;
In r6.0
JCLDFLT (Default option table)
FEATF4 (FEATURE function table)
ERREXTF4 (Error exit)
JCLUPTF4 (UTILITY programs table)
JCLUTIL (UTILITY control statement decoding table)
JCLMSG (Message table)