Protection Engine license utilization | NAS & Cloud
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Protection Engine license utilization | NAS & Cloud


Article ID: 236222


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Protection Engine for Cloud Services Protection Engine for NAS


Symantec Protection Engine licensing utilization parameters with examples for cloud and NAS


Symantec Protection Engine ( SPE ) on NAS and cloud 

Symantec Protection Engine with application servers



How can we check license utilization? 
SPE does not monitor or enforce licensing.  

Is the license based on the number of users accessing the file?
The unique user within the organization needs to be counted.  

If the same user has multiple sessions opened and accessing multiple files, is this considered as 1 user?
SPE does not count users. It is independent of session, if one user has multiple sessions then the customer needs to consider it as 1 user. 

Is there any warning or alert when utilization reaches the limit?
SPE does not enforce any limit. 

There is no measurement or enforcement of the count of Users in SPE-NAS. Customers must purchase one Symantec Protection Engine for NAS perpetual user license for each ‘known’ user who has access to the protected NAS device.  So if the user total increases, customers must purchase additional licenses to be compliant.

If your customer is looking to renew, we would highly recommend that they switch over to subscription licensing as perpetual licenses may be discontinued in the future.  SPE licensing guide for further information.  

SPE- CS:- 

License Usage - the customer can apply either license to an SPE Scan Server as they will both provide full functionality.  The purchase of the licenses represents the total number of users and application servers (with anonymous users) that are protected across the organizations and as long as they do not exceed these values, they can apply the licenses to any number of SPE Scan Servers.

Symantec Protection Engine for Cloud Services

There are two (2) licensing options:

Per-User - Customers must purchase one Symantec Protection Engine: Cloud Services license for each ‘known’ user, who has access to content that has been scanned by Protection Engine. Also, it’s mandatory that customers purchase one Symantec Protection Engine: Cloud Services maintenance license for each perpetual license purchased.

Per-Transaction - Customers may subscribe to Symantec Protection Engine: Cloud Services. Each subscription protects 10 million transactions (or scans). If a customer expects to scan 150 million transactions per year with Protection Engine, then it must purchase 15 subscriptions. If customers select the Per Transaction licensing option, they will not need to purchase licenses to protect servers accessed by anonymous users (SPE-CSAS-SUB).

Add-On License: If other users have access to these application servers, but they are unknown, e.g., they are anonymous users, customers must purchase an additional Symantec Protection Engine: Cloud Services Application Server subscription license (SPE-CSAS-SUB) for each application server protected that services anonymous users. The Application Server license should only be used in conjunction with Per User licenses and should never be sold standalone



The key to SPE-CS licensing is to separate the known user accounts with access to the service/application you are protecting and determine if there are anonymous or unknown users.  In all cases, there would be a certain number of known users (e.g., Server admin, employees, etc.)  and because it would be difficult to calculate the number of unknown/anonymous users, we provide a server-based license.  

Here are a few examples to try and clarify the customer's question:

A company has 10,000 employees.  They have developed an application that manages their facilities.  SPE-CS is used to protect this application. All users in the company utilize this application.  The company would purchase 10,000 User licenses.

Quote:  10,000 x SPE-CLDS-SUB User based licenses

A Bank has an online service that manages mortgage applications that are entered by the public.  The application is hosted on 5 web servers and managed by 2 system administrators. SPE-CS is used to scan the applications that are entered.  10 employees access these mortgage applications coming in on a regular basis.
Quote: 12 x SPE-CLDS-SUB User-based licenses and 5 x SPE-CSAS-SUB Application Server (Add-on) licenses


Additional Information

Please refer to licensing guide attached


1646625339735__Licensing Guide - Storage Protection (1).pdf get_app