ERROR: "XCOMN0780E TcpIp 503: Received simulated FMH-5 record w/ bConvType = 208, not 209"
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ERROR: "XCOMN0780E TcpIp 503: Received simulated FMH-5 record w/ bConvType = 208, not 209"


Article ID: 236197


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XCOM Data Transport - Linux PC XCOM Data Transport - Windows XCOM Data Transport - z/OS XCOM Data Transport


An Initiated secured AT-TLS transfer from z/OS to Windows fails with message “XCOMN0780E Tcpip  503: Received simulated FMH-5 record w/ bConvType = 208, not 209.” The messages received on the z/OS side are:

EZD1287I TTLS Error RC:   9 Initial Handshake
XCOMM1467E OMVS Error: EDC5140I Broken pipe. (errno2=0x77F37242)                                   
XCOMM0780E Txpi  215: Socket send error return value = 140

Note: This also happens when transferring from XCOM for z/OS to XCOM for Linux


  • XCOM™ Data Transport® for z/OS
  • XCOM™ Data Transport® for Windows
  • XCOM™ Data Transport® for Linux PC


1. Apply the following fixes:

LU02250 – XCOM r11.6 for Windows

LU02422 – XCOM r12 for z/OS

LU02343 – XCOM r11.6 for Linux

2. Change the DH_2048_RECEIVE_SIDE = parameter as shown below in the configssl.cnf for Windows and/or Linux:

# Optional (for RSA NO, see above). If RSA NO and DH files empty,

#  then internal program tables will be used.




DH_2048_RECEIVE_SIDE = %XCOM_HOME%\\Config\\dh2048.pem


When RSAKEY for the RECEIVE_SIDE is set to "NO" and there are no DH key files provided, XCOM will use an internal key which may cause a problem.  The internal key can be quite small by modern standards and  since this is negotiated, AT-TLS should have no problems using the longer key.  This is also, by definition, more secure.

These particular parameter will ONLY affect the RECEIVE_SIDE (i.e. when the Windows XCOM is acting as a server). That is also likely why it works when Windows is functioning as the client.