The MOI Extract utility can extract up to 45 days worth of metric data for specified metrics for analysis by the MOI team.
Metrics that are interesting to you. Examples would be:
Mainframe Operational Intelligence
MOI 2.0.06
MOI Metric Data Extraction
cd /tmp
mkdir extract-moi-data
tar -xvf moi-metric-extractor-v1_1646418444069.tar
The following files will be extracted:
* display the desired metric via the MOI UI . The UI example below is for metric CPU%.
* Click on the Context URL dropdown button at the top of the UI to show the metric URL
* Click on the copy icon on the far right of the dropdown to copy the URL
* Paste the URL into any text editor and then select and copy the metricKey VALUE as shown below:
* Go to the tmp/extract-moi-data directory and edit the metricToExtract.csv file with the vi editor
* Insert the copied metricKey VALUE after the instanceId= string on the template line
* Repeat this Step 4 process by inserting additional instanceId= lines into the metricToExtract.csv file and copying additional metricKey VALUES into them. Add all the metrics that you would like to extract and then save the metricToExtract.csv file.
Please ensure that the syntax of the ‘instanceId=’ string on all added lines match the original template line or you will get an error and your metric data will not be extracted.
* You are now ready to start the metric extract process with Step 5 below.
rm /var/opt/moi/share/backups/*
to the Support Case along with the output log of the extract script.
Please note: This metric extract can take 10+ minutes to finish its execution.