Change Organization for Existing application ?
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Change Organization for Existing application ?


Article ID: 236130


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CA API Developer Portal


We have On Premise Gateway 10.0 and Api Portal 5.0.

We want to change the organization of a existing application without changing the api key.

Can you please provide us the way to change organization for the application ?


Release : 5.0

Component : Portal


Portal 5.0 does not allow to change the Organization for an existing Application without changing the api key.

When you add an Application this is linked with a unique Organization by design/mandatory.

Create an Application also need to Add an API to it. At this moment the api key is generated for the specific Application and the API associated to that application uniquely.

Organization, Application and API are linked on a unique relationship to the same Client ID on this process.

Note : The default API key cannot be disabled. As a workaround, you can disable the application, or set another key as default in order to disable the original key.


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