View - Model 5 terminal emulation
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View - Model 5 terminal emulation


Article ID: 236081


Updated On: 03-03-2022




A View user wants to use a Model 5 terminal emulation to see a 133-column display.

They access VIEW via XMS through CICS.  

Is there support for model 5 (133-column) display using VIEW via XMS and CICS?



Release : 14.0

Component :


There are no settings within View or XMS regarding use of a Model 5 terminal.

Any settings for a terminal type would need to be made within the emulator used (for example, QWS3270).

As the client uses CICS, from research, the client was told that CICS uses a special module called the Terminal Control Table (TCT) to determine terminal characteristics, where you provide the description for each terminal that a user may use to initiate a CICS session.