Migrated running processes are not moving forward after upgrade
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Migrated running processes are not moving forward after upgrade


Article ID: 236003


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


We upgraded Clarity from 15.6.1 to 16.0.1 and the pre-upgrade processes on the system are not moving forward. They are not being loaded on the process engine either. Any new process created after the upgrade works OK.


Clarity 16.1.2


The process engine does not recognise the processes at DB side as per the hostname change action which typically results during a DB refresh (prod to non-prod)


Steps to resolve/workaround the issue:

  1. Stop the Clarity services
  2. Run the following update to the DB:
            update bpm_run_processes
                set process_engine_id = xxxxxxx,
                      last_process_engine_id = xxxxxx
            where process_engine_id = yyyyyyy
            and last_process_engine_id = yyyyyyy
    Note: xxxx will refer to the current process engine id on the bpm_run_process_engines table
  3. Restart the Clarity services

Additional Information

SQL query to differentiate process engine ids for the processes that are in running state:

select process_engine_id, count (*) from bpm_run_processes where status_code='BPM PIS RUNNING' group by process_engine_id