Will changing OS login password impact AutoSys and related components?
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Will changing OS login password impact AutoSys and related components?


Article ID: 235964


Updated On:


CA Workload Automation AE - Business Agents (AutoSys)


Autosys Applications (WAAE,EEM,WCC) & AEDB hosted on Windows VM's(3).


ABC123   Primary Scheduler and DB
ABC456   Shadow Scheduler and Agent
ABC789   WCC and EEM

Now, as per the Client's direction Wintel Team going to change the Password of the 3 VM's login user-id "batch_operator1"(Generic). Our Application (Autosys) connects to Autosys database with the user id "autosys".

Will there be any impact to Autosys Application after changes the above three VM's log-in Password.


Release : Any

Component : Workload Automation AE (AutoSys), Workload Control Center (WCC), Embedded Entitlements Manager (EEM)


  • While this will not have impact on AutoSys functionality, if you have any jobs that are running on the server where password is being changed, you will need to update that password in autosys_secure. Failure to do so will result in job failures due to incorrect password.

  • If any of your jobs are running as this user, then password will need to be updated within autosys_secure for each agent that a job would run on.
    autorep -J ALL -q | findstr batch_operator1

  • If the AutoSys service is running as the batch_operator1 user, then you will need to update the account password for the service to reflect the new password. The same applies if you are running agent as this service account. Failure to do so will result in AutoSys failure to start. If you are using Local System account, then no action is needed.

  • Changing the account login password for the user at OS level will not have impact on database connectivity as database authentications are handled within the database, unless you've chosen to use Windows Authentication instead of SQL Server Authentication. In which case, you would then need to update your config.$AUTOSERV file to reflect the updated password. This is an encrypted password so you will need to use the password utility to encrypt your plaintext password.

    # Keyword: DBAccess=username/password
    # Defines  the user name and password (in encrypted format) used by
    # the scheduler and  application server to connect to the database.
    # The database user name  and  password is  defined  during  the CA
    # Workload Automation AE installation.

    Reference Encrypt a Password Using the Password Utility for details on usage for this utility. You'll need to specify the encryption type (DES, AES, etc.).

  • The change should have no impact on EEM, unless you are running EEM service as the batch_operator1 account. Again, you'll need to update in Services.

  • Login to EEM using Global application and verify if you are using LDAP. If you are using LDAP, then no other action is required.

  • The change should have no impact on WCC, unless you are running WCC service as the batch_operator1 account. Again, you'll need to update in Services.

  • If you are using the batch_operator1 as the monitor ID in WCC, then you will need to change the password on the Configuration tab in WCC.