List Devices in Data Aggregator that use a specific SNMP Profile
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List Devices in Data Aggregator that use a specific SNMP Profile


Article ID: 235951


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DX NetOps CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration


How can you list Devices that are using a specific SNMP Profile?

When Device SNMP credentials change, you need to find all devices that use the old credentials and update them with the new credentials.

You're prepared with a new SNMP Profile and a new Discovery Profile to run against the devices and update the SNMP Profile they use. But are unable to determine the specific list of Devices and their IPs for the Discovery Profile.


All DX NetOps Performance Management releases


You can use a filtered request with the Manageable Devices Data Aggregator (DA) REST API to return this information.

Use the SNMP Profile ID in use to find the devices. Then you'll use the ID in the filtered request to limit the results to only those SNMP managed devices that use that SNMP Profile.

  1. Identify the SNMP Profile and it's ID. Use these REST APIs to find the SNMP Profile using the name and note it's ID value.
    1. SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c Profiles are found at the following URL:
      • <DA_HOST>:<Port>/rest/profiles/snmpv1/
    2. SNMPv3 Profiles are found at the following URL:
      • <DA_HOST>:<Port>/rest/profiles/snmpv3/
  2. Using a REST client issue the following POST request.
    1. Target the URL:
      • <DA_HOST>:<Port>rest/devices/manageable/filtered/
    2. Set the method to POST.
    3. In the Body enter the following. Replace the SNMP-Profile-ID with your SNMP Profile ID.
      • <FilterSelect xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="filter.xsd">
              <ManageableDevice.SNMPProfileID type ="EQUAL">SNMP-Profile-ID</ManageableDevice.SNMPProfileID>
  3. A 200 OK result is success. The results should be present in the response of the REST client.

Unable to use a REST CLI? Only able to use curl statements locally on the DA CLI?

Use the following options. Notes:

  • These rely on:
    • The localhost working on the DA and being defined. Can also replace localhost reference with DA host name or IP as needed.
    • Replacing the default admin:admin system user:passwd with the current admin user password.
    • Replacing the SNMP-Profile-ID reference with the real SNMP Profile ID needed.
  • HTTP DA using default Port 8581:
    • curl -u "admin:admin" --header "Content-Type: application/xml" --request POST --data '<FilterSelect xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="filter.xsd"><Filter><ManageableDevice.SNMPProfileID type="EQUAL">SNMP-Profile-ID</ManageableDevice.SNMPProfileID></Filter></FilterSelect>' --url http://localhost:8581/rest/devices/manageable/filtered/
  • HTTPS DA using Port 8582:
    • curl -u "admin:admin" --header "Content-Type: application/xml" --request POST --data '<FilterSelect xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="filter.xsd"><Filter><ManageableDevice.SNMPProfileID type="EQUAL">SNMP-Profile-ID</ManageableDevice.SNMPProfileID></Filter></FilterSelect>' --url https://localhost:8582/rest/devices/manageable/filtered/

TIP: Add <Select> statements to limit returned results to select values from a given device.

Additional Information

Sample image from the free ARC (Advanced REST Client) showing a filter request seeking SNMP Profile ID 6052.